This week, we’re inspired by the news that cameras are potentially lethal weapons after West Yorkshire police remanded members of Fitwatch in custody on the grounds that they considered themselves in danger of ‘physical or mental injury’. Next Freeschool will be dedicated to honing our photography skills. Workshops will be offered in Pointing and Shooting, Effective Framing and Dodging and Burning. Donations of suitable equipment urgently required (Hasselblads preferred). Meanwhile, back at the darkroom…

Thursday cafe this week moves up to the roof. We’re taking advantage of the good weather and inviting suggestions for plugging the holes before it rains again.

And, in other news:
An eviction notice has been served on the occupation at Lewisham Bridge.

–- Bailiffs are arriving at 10.30 on Wednesday morning, Callout for people to stay overnight

Hands Off Lewisham Bridge are asking for your support in resisting the eviction. We need as many people as possible to stay overnight on Tuesday. If you can’t stay overnight then please come down as early as possible on Wednesday morning to support the occupation.

We want to let Lewisham Council know that they are evicting people who have been peacefully protesting over the destruction of community education at our school.

Lewisham Council still don’t have planning permission for their new school. Lewisham Council still haven’t told us why the decant had to take place at Easter, when children were taking SATs and banding tests. Lewisham Council still haven’t told us why they are prepared to wash their hands of the responsibility of educating our children.

If Lewisham Bridge Primary School is given to Leathersellers we parents will have no say in the governance of our school. Staff will be employed by Leathersellers who will set their own terms and conditions taking those teachers out of a collective national teaching body.

This is privatisation! This is bringing the market into our kids’ education, where the only motivation is profit and the only measure is league tables and headcount. Competition will be the name of the game.
Trusts and academies will compete for those children they believe to be desirable and leave those whom they don’t on the scrapheap. Why have Prendergast rejected the Travellers Education Service that used to be based at the school? Why have Prendergast rejected the proposal to establish a SEN unit at the new school?

A consultation process has already started for a trust led by Goldsmiths University which will govern 3 schools: Addey & Stanhope, Deptford Green and Crossways. It is a process that has exactly the same goal. To take our schools out of the public sector and hand them over to the private sector.

We cannot let them get away with this. We can fight this together and we can win!

Come down to Lewisham Bridge Primary School and let the bailiffs know that we’re not going easily.

Hands Off Lewisham Bridge
07946 541 331


// Calais No Border Camp < 23 – 29 juin / june 2009 > ///


The Calais No Border camp is a joint venture between French and Belgian activists and migrant support groups and the UK No Borders Network. It aims to highlight the realities of the situation in Calais and Northern France; to build links with the migrant communities; to help build links between migrants support groups ; and lastly, but not least, to challenge the authorities on the ground, to protest against increased repression of migrants and local activists alike.

This camp calls for the freedom of movement for all, an end to borders and to all migration controls. We call for a radical movement against the systems of control, dividing us into citizens and non-citizens, into the documented and the undocumented.

We are included in the No Border Camps’ ‘tradition’, set up in the whole world since 15 years – Strasbourg 2002, Gatwick 2007, at the US-Mexican border or in Ukraine in 2007 and we are linked to the August ’09 No Border Camp in Lesvos … Everyone is invited to join the camp to discuss about the borders and freedom of movement issues, to imagine and take part into symbolical actions, to live together collectively with the migrants of Calais and the activists and to demonstrate on the 27th of June !



<* EVENTS @ rampART *>


***Tuesday, 23rd June, Cinema Libre***
***Thursday 25th June, rampART ‘Fixing the Roof’ Cafe***
***Monday 29th June, Rampart Social***

***Friday 3rd July, Radical Theory Reading Group***



Cinema Libre is a chance for people to meet up and discuss their perspectives and share and learn from others in an informal environment. Discussion is open, and we always look forward to all contributions. Each week we bring you a selection of shorts and feature documentaries in an attempt to flesh out the issues and explore the solutions and action needed.

Remember its still all free so your support is the only currency worth anything and our in-action the only deficit worth worrying about.

//THURSDAY, 25th JUNE, 7PM///


We’re fixing a hole where the rain gets in and stops our minds from wandering…. Food by Lucy and Shadi.

//MONDAY 29th JUNE, 8pm – 11pm ///

Rampart Social

After the Rampart meeting have a social evening to be able to relax and spend time with our visitors. Come along and catch up with the collective, tell us what you have been up to.

//FRIDAY, 3rd JULY, 6PM///


Reminder that next reading group will be FRIDAY 3RD JULY. We’ll be in the usual place (rampart.co.nr), in the Library at the usual time (6pm). Reading will be from Frederick Engels’ On the Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Chapter 2, ‘The Family’. Read part 4, ‘The Monogamous Family’ or the whole chapter if you have time. Full text here
http://www.scribd.com/doc/4068357/Engels-The-Origin-of-the-Family-Private-Property-and-the-State and here http://libcom.org/book/export/html/1145.




52 Knatchbull road (entrance on Burton rd, behind Minet library) SE5 9QY.
Nearest tubes : Brixton, Oval, Kennington.
Nearest train : Loughborough junction.
Nearest buses : P5 or Brixton road (3/N3, 59, 133/N133, 159/N159, 415.
stop: loughborough road)

Check The Library House Website : http://thelibraryhouse.wordpress.com

The Library House is a social center in Brixton Camberwell
Contact us if you want to be on our mailing list and be informed about the events there :)

Cinema Libre had a little break as we had the queer-cafe last week..
But this week Cinema Libre is totally back with a compilation of interesting, funny and delicious political porn as usual ;)

There will be something to snack with the films and hot and (hopefully) cold drinks as (almost) usually :)

Come all and bringe friends, love & rage!

**<<== Belgrade Road social centre ==>>**

2a Belgrade Road, Dalston.
Belgrade road is a newly opened social space in dalston/stoke newington.
It is collectively run and open to the public.
*Tuesdays 7.30pm // life drawing*
naked narcisistic anarchists require people to draw us.
*Thursdays 1-5pm // bike workshop*
Tools and skills available to help you fix/build/pimp your bike
*Mondays 11am-2pm // Free English classes for beginners*
everyone is welcome, tea and coffee will be provided. contact: 07928102817
*Sundays from 5pm onwards // Cafe*
Veggie and vegan food on donation, films, nice peeps…







Free Symposium on squatting, autonomous occupations and the Slack Space Movement. All Welcome! Get Involved! Please Forward!

12 Noon – 7pm
25th June, 2009

Innovation Centre Gallery
Central St Martins College of Art and Design
Southampton Row

Entrance at Proctor Street, opposite Red Lion Square.


No Booking Required: Entrance Free
enquiries: radical.incursions@gmail.com


// BBQ for Spitalfields Fair ///


This SUNDAY – Public Meeting / BBQ for Spitalfields Fair.
4pm (For 4:30 start) to discuss Fair followed by BBQ at 5:30/6pm.
Freedom Bookshop 84b Whitechapel High Street E1 7QX

“Roll up, Roll up! Whitechapel Anarchist Group cordially invite you to the 2009 Spitalfields Fair on Sunday 26 July 12 Noon, in Allen Gardens – reviving the rebellious spirit of long prohibited East End carnivals. Jump on board and get involved assistance from running a stall, dressing up, making food, painting faces, building old school fair games etc etc. Let your imaginations run wild. And help make it happen.



// CALLING ALL BIKE PUNKS! The 56a Bike Room needs fresh blood! ///


Ask not what your Infoshop can do for you, but what you can do for your infoshop…

The Bike Room at the 56a Infoshop needs volunteers to come and hang out, drink tea, share their bike skillz and learn some new ones.

We’re a collective of bike geeks trying to provide a real alternative to bike shops by helping people to fix their own bikes instead of charging them money to do it, and by recycling and scavenging old bicycles and bike parts. We also stock a small amount of essential bits and bobs like cables and inner tubes that we sell at cost price.

But we’d like to do so much more!

The more people there are to help out, the easier it is for everyone who comes here, the more people we can get cycling and the more fun we all have.

If you think you can commit to doing a couple of hours each week then pop down to say hi to one of the volunteers. We’re open 3-7 Weds, 2-8 Thurs, 3-7 Fri and 2-6 Sat and we’re at 56a Crampton Street, SE17 3AE. Come along and we’ll show you around and let you get on with pimping out people’s bikes!

I am trying to ftp lots of small files to the server, and the connection is very very slow, sometimes when trying to reconnect it fails.
Can this be looked into please as it is very frustrating waiting hours to upload the equivalent of 30MB of files..

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